About The Project

Bullet Path

Gun - crime, conflict and assassination.

Thank you for visiting my Bullet Path website, my name is Andrew Rigsby. This project started in 2008 as a gun crime research study called Gunfire Graffiti which researches the illegal testing and experimentation with firearms. It is a global practise and surprisingly common in the UK. Michael Ryan who committed the Hungerford Massacre in 1987 perpetrated roadside shootings as did the American gangster and gunman Clyde Barrow, (Bonnie and Clyde), in the 1930’s.

Bullet Path still incorporates this aspect but now also focuses on a unique selection of gun slay murders, gun terror attacks, assassinations and some military operations that have occurred around the world. This is covered in great detail in the BLOG section.
I have researched events such as the assassination of JFK in 1963, the White House Farm murders in 1985, the murder of Jill Dando in 1999 and the Annecy shooting murders in France in 2012. I contributed to the 2022 Channel 4 documentary, ‘Murder in the Alps’. My blogs have also covered my personal experiences during the Falklands Campaign in 1982, Northern Ireland operations, 84/85 and past family members during the Boer War and both World Wars.
I have two published books, Gunfire Graffiti – Overlooked Gun Crime in the UK, (Waterside Press), and Sabre Prattling – The Language of the Battlefield, (Beachy Books).

Roadside firearm and shotgun experimental sites in the UK and Northern Ireland found

Years investigating evidence of roadside gun crime